Emergency Only Calls from 8pm to 7am, Monday to Sunday

Following a review of our services, from today, Monday 2 September we will be taking emergency only calls between the hours of 8pm until 7am, Monday to Sunday. Outside of these hours all other calls and contacts such as emails, live chat and social media messages will be monitored and responded to as normal. As a reminder, please note:
- Emergency calls only from 8pm to 7am, Monday to Sunday by calling 0808 100 9596
- All calls between 7am and 8pm, Monday to Sunday by calling 0808 100 9596
- Emails, live chat and social media interactions will be monitored and responded to during the hours of 7am and 8pm, Monday to Sunday
We continue to provide you with the best service as possible and you shouldn’t notice any difference in how we deal with your query.