JobsPlus Highlight with Sally Ross

JobsPlus Manager, Sally Ross, has been talking to the IEP Journal about the launch and progress of JobsPlus, a pilot initiative aimed at providing localised, community-based employment support in the UK, particularly in areas with significant social housing. Funded by the Department for Work and Pensions through His Majesty’s Treasury’s Labour Market Evaluation Pilots Fund, JobsPlus operates in 10 sites across the country, including Bidston Rise, with the program being nationally managed by the Learning and Work Institute.
“Some things are worth the wait and JobsPlus is definitely one of those. I first heard about JobsPlus 10 years ago – and a lot has happened since then: 6 Prime Ministers, 1 global pandemic and a lot of discussions.”
In her article Sally highlighted:
The goals of the pilot... JobsPlus focuses on helping residents overcome barriers to employment through personalised, community-centred guidance, not just by offering generic job-seeking support. It takes a "saturation" approach, engaging every household in the community to build trust and relationships.
Maintaining a local presence... The JobsPlus teams are based in community houses, which serve as hubs for both employment support and other local activities. This co-location enables collaboration with existing community projects, like social supermarkets and kids' activities.
The challenges faced... Initially, there was scepticism and mistrust from residents, with some dismissive of the program’s goals. However, persistence, engagement, and flexibility in addressing participants’ needs have started to change these perceptions.
Early successes... The program has engaged a diverse group of participants ranging from 17 to 70 years old, including single parents, people with health conditions, and young people entering the workforce. Successes include providing practical support (e.g., licenses, training), boosting confidence, and helping participants identify and work toward their goals.
Potential long-term impact... Rather than focusing on quick fixes, the program aims to build sustainable paths to employment, helping participants gain skills, change mindsets, and achieve long-term success.