Our Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Project
Our Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (SHDF) project will see us deliver sustainable improvements to some of our homes as part of Wave 1 and Wave 2 funding.
We’re working in partnership with Sustainable Building Services UK (SBS) on this project. We will be retrofitting 99 homes in Wave 1 and 161 homes in Wave 2 across a selection of our neighbourhoods including Woodchurch, Central Birkenhead, Rockferry Birkenhead North End and Noctorum.
These homes have been identified as being in the highest areas of fuel poverty and lowest areas of income, and the planned improvements will be completed on a fabric first approach. A fabric first approach means looking at each property holistically and considering how we can make each home more energy efficient.
The completed work will increase heat retention and reduce energy usage at your home, whilst creating a saving on both carbon emissions and fuel usage for our customers. Work has already started with the installation of External Wall Insulation (EWI) at Dacre Hill, Rockferry.
Below you can read more about EWI, the benefits and catch up on some frequently asked questions around the works being carried out - we will be updating the FAQ's regularly.